Friday, March 30, 2012

Saving Money... addendum...

Wow, I guess I beat America's Test Kitchen to the punch here! They had an episode the day after my post called "Here's the Beef"
There are a few differences between my method and theirs... but its all good!
Unlike what I do, they put the beef into the food processor. Earlier in the episode they went over what tools were good for doing the grinding and the food processor was used in the segment as they felt it would be a tool that everyone would have in their kitchen.
Another difference was: Instead of putting suet in.....they put in butter! Oh YUM! I don't know if this is a "saving money" option, but it does certainly add taste! The beef they chose is "flat meat." I actually get the sale beef items, and actually if the angus beef is on special it goes RIGHT into my cart!

Do watch the video if you are concerned about how to grind meat in your food processor.
If you are curious about the recipe that they have, you must be a "member" of the webpage.
This does carry a may be worth it to you to subscribe, it may be more worth it to you to set your TiVo or MythTV to record it! (I do!).

I hope you try it! The burgers are awesome!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Saving Money....part 2

Did I scare you with making your own cheese? I hope not. What I am trying to get at here is for people to take a chance. I want people to try something new and realize that they can do things with out having to buy them. Once you start this, then you raise your family's standard of living PLUS start to save money in the process.

Is there an investment? Yes! And that investment is in YOU. It is in knowledge and in household tools that can be found cheaply and easily. The knowledge you will gain from reading my blog posts, but as my father says: you need the right tool for the right job.

So you guessed it, today's blog topic is going to be on TOOLS!

What tools do you need in order to save money? Well, first of all put down those silly books that have you cough up $35 for their "system". This is not about a system, its about saving you money in the long run by giving you the structure and the tools to work with in your own life and increasing your standard of living.

The kitchen is the largest area of money savings. The tools you have in the kitchen will empower you to go beyond what is largely available for retail sale for the food industry. Food preparation tools, small appliances, and hand tools are easily found in stores like Williams and Sonoma, Bed Bath and Beyond, and many other retail establishments. Buying tools here can and will create a huge debt mountain in your credit card fairly quickly. This is the problem that we are facing today. "Keeping up with the Jones'" is burying us in debt. Contrary to popular belief, you can indeed wait for that new kitchen set, the deluxe food blender, and the commercial grade range.

Lots of people feel that they have to have the perfect xyz item, have the biggest kitchen with lush counters, and picture perfect decor. To have a good showing in the cul-de-sac society, the competition is with the McMansion next door, giving people the compulsive need to have that dazzlingly shiny Kitchen Aid, Brevilles, or Cusinarts are on display at the neighbors house. But does anyone really use them?

Do they even know how? The more important question is: Did they have to buy them new? The answer to to most of those questions above is: NO. You can have the same functionality of a tool with out shelling out huge money, and save money by actually using rather than having it as an object d' art on your counter.

One place people don't look, but really should, for kitchen tools is in antique shops, thrift stores, used furniture stores, yard sales, and "junk" stores. These places are famous for having odd ball kitchen tools for pennies on the dollar of original cost. Do check in with them regularly, as many places will get incoming stock on a daily or weekly basis. But as with any "hit or miss" shopping experience, you have to make up rules to keep your pocket book under control. My Mom makes it a point to shop once a week at the Salvation Army store near her on half price day. That is the ONLY day she will allow herself to go over there. If she did not do this, she freely admits that any savings that she did gain would be spent on things that were more want vs. need and at a price that is double what she would pay on Wednesday to begin with. Don't think it works? Mom got a breadmaker for $10. I looked up the price on amazon and found it selling USED for $100. That model sold new for $250. That is just ONE of the items she has found at rock bottom prices.

Before we jump on the power tool bandwagon, or er..the small appliance soap box....
Before there was this great thing called electricity, many people did far more with HAND TOOLS. Gasp! Shock! Horror! Say it isn't true! It is folks.

Hand tools are a GREAT way to save money. They may cost you time upfront, but they will save the money for you in the long run.

Did you know that every attachment the stand mixers have, you can get as a hand tool!
-Meat Grinder? Yep
-Pasta Maker? Yep
-Ice Cream Maker? Yep
-Wisk? Yep
-Food Processor? Yep (you have heard of a grater or a knife, right?)
-Dough Hook?.... Well, if you have arms, you can use what God gave you. If you don't this may be the one place you slide the small appliance into the "need" category.

So what small appliance tools do I suggest having in your kitchen?
-Stand Mixer with dough hook
-Hand Mixer (if Stand Mixer is out of your budget)
-Food Processor
-Electric Skillet
-Food Scale

All of these can be found, if you shop consistently in the thrift store circuit.

Since the "Pink Slime" scare is currently front and formost in the media headlines, let us look at how we can provide hamburger, meatballs, and other ground meat products with out buying them pre packaged.

When you make something, control is taken away from the middle guy and is placed in your lap. You control the product. You control what goes into it, and what doesn't. You control the salt and fat content. You know if you make it, there is no gluten in there, because you didn't add any bread products.

How to Make Awesome but Cheap Hamburger

Take a stroll through your supermarket meat section. Find the "Manager's Special" (the stuff that is still good, but its at the end of the shelf life to sell), buying it will get you a nice cut of meat for a fraction of the cost, and you will make your own hamburger if you add suet to the mix.
Yes, I said suet. It is fat, and is available from your grocery store in a far corner of the refrigerated meat area. If not on display, ask the folks behind the counter. Please don't make that face. Yes, that one... It is already there in all hamburger products. No pink slime, honest.
Your meat supplier adds suet to all ground meat. This is evident in the % lean statement that is on each label. Add the percentage that you find you like (if it is 90% lean, then just add 10% fat). Still confused? Break the pounds down to ounces. We have 16 oz in 1lb, right? 10% of 16 is?... 1.6oz. So for every pound, you are putting in 1.5 (give or take) ounces into your beef for fat.

To grind the beef, cut into strips that will fit into your grinder and then interchange putting the beef and the fat through the grinder. Mix together evenly in bowl once ground. Patty and grill as normal!

Do note that some grinders have different size "die". The "die" is the disk that extrudes the size of the grind you are looking for. Some people like a fine grind, and some like one that is akin to that of a chop steak. Add some salt and pepper an you have made your own hamburger!

Just be sure to grind, cook (and/or) freeze that day if using "manager's special" products. There is no refrigerator time left on those meat products. Mind the dates on all meat labels and you will be just fine!

In my next post, I will be listing my "Killer Meatball" recipe... Later everyone, I gotta get outside and start working in the garden if I expect to have anything to can (as in in "canned tomatoes... c'mon folks, work with me here!) in the months to come.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Saving Money...part 1

Signs and ads scream almost every second around the world about how much money you will save with XYZ product. 20%! 30% and more!

The truth is, "save more" is often a marketing ropeadope for the consumer public. This predatory maneuver is heavily cloaked as a "feel good" sales mechanic to invoke an action. Its goal is getting you to take do something. It is actually getting you to… (drum roll please)
you guessed it:
Spend - more - money.

The truth is: Just because they are selling it, does not mean that you have to buy it.

Now, that does not mean that you see a choice between two brands and you choose the one that costs less… yes, choosing the less expensive one is the obvious choice when buying something. But what about taking the sales guys out, taking the middle man out, and taking back the power of not only what you spend but also what they heck goes into what you are buying?

Back in my late 20's the Atkins diet was all the rage. Niche low-carb businesses sprouted up to service this new diet market, supplying myself and the other rabid weight loss consumers with "no-carb" products.

Many people who got on the diet, did not get Mr. Atkins' actual message. Yes, he was all for taking out the sugar and carbs that people were addicted to, but his bigger point was actually advocating getting away from "processed" products and closer to the actual component foods than what people were used to. Taking out the middle men was where the value, the true value of the food was.

The real irony was that new niche businesses ignored this completely and supplied the public with carb free toaster pizza, low-carb energy bars and no-carb bagels one could use as hockey pucks. All of these products were far more processed food than any person in their rational mind would buy. But we wern't rational at the time. We were part of a revolution! (Why do I feel like I just looked at my highschool yearbook photo?)

The same problem has happened with saving money. Lots of people have jumped in to fill the void of the financial diet that we are now all forcibly put on. And on this financial diet there are tons of new products brought to the market that are designed to " save you money"…when in all actuality its goal is to get you to spend more, by feeling like you saved money. You guessed it, these products too are chock full of "processing".

So how do we take back that power? Simple. We don't buy what they are selling. You need a product, or XY and Z thing. Do it yourself. Grow it yourself. Make it yourself.

I am not telling you to go out and buy a farm… but if you do my hat is off to you! You are a better person than I!

What I am telling you is to reexamine what you have and what you could do for yourself. Let's start with one thing at a time here. Let's look at something that is by all accounts something that you would buy and wouldn't' think to make: Cheese!

Making your own cheese…

Ok, I know I promised you something here…1 new blog each week on saving money (and with some "how to" and it seems like I am taking you from the frying pan and tossing you into the fire here.

You are thinking "me? make cheese?" Yes, you! And you know what it will be better tasting and far more nutritious than what has been sitting on the shelf for the past month. And I promise you, it will happen in 30 minutes (give or take)!

This is NOT my recipe. I am simply going to point you towards where you need to go for that recipe and all the resources since it is not mine. Not that I don't believe in sharing out here in the digital frontier, but I do believe in copyrights and in respecting other peoples work.

Take a look at Ricki's work here

This is an AWESOME recipe and is fun for the whole family!

I will also divulge why I cringed upon seeing what was portrayed in that Good Housekeeping article and why it failed miserably.

The mother in that article sat there proud as punch with her store brand ultra-pasteurized "organic" milk. I sat there and banged my head on my desk as I saw her preening. She didn't know that what she had bought was actually as over processed and as tasteless as the other "non-organic" milk.
The more processed something is, the more it has lost, and the further is is away from the source.
You need to get closer to the source to get more for your dollar.

The better value for taste and getting closer to the "source" would have been regular pasteurized milk (example: Garelick Farms here in New England). Ultra pasteurization is actually a process of "cooking" the milk rather than doing a simple pasteurization. Making cheese requires milk, and ideally that kind that has had a simple pasteurization rather than the ultra pasteurization. They also believe (Garelick Farms) in no hormones, to read more on this, follow this link

The closest to the source you can get, taking one more level of processing out is that of raw milk. Many people swear by it. However the FDA frowns on it. Here in Massachusetts you can only buy raw milk "on the farm". Yes, it is one step closer to the source and it does take the "processing" out; and then ultimately puts the money back in to your pocket with more for your dollar, but at a risk. The raw milk has not been heated to get rid of the potentially harmful bacteria that your body may not like. So I stick with pasteurized milk, and avoid the ultra- pasteurized stuff completely.

But I encourage you to make cheese tonight! It is so simple and so fun! And as long as you have milk in your fridge, you won't ever run out of mozzarella again!

Next week: Laundry, the biggest money leach of it all...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Best Audo Book Narrator List

Ok, I did promise this earlier, and sorry for making this after my last blog post. But anyway here we go:

My Personal Favorites:

Johanna Parker
Gabra Zachman
Cassandra Cambell
Luke Daniels
Elenna Stauffer

Favorites From People at Large:
(have not listened to these folks as of yet)

John Lee
Jim Dale
Simon Prebble
George Guidall
Frank Muller
Barbara Rosenblat
David Case AKA Frederick Davidson
Jonathan Cecil
CJ Critt

Please notice that I have not included any of the infamous Hollywood set. Not that they are good or bad, its just that these guys are the best of the best and are often overlooked. I would like to mention that Stephen Fry is always a good bet for audio or acting on screen.

This list will evolve over time I would expect, so do check back often!

Saving Money...

I know I promised months ago that I would put an audiobook "best of" narrator list up in my next post. This is not it.
That will come in the next few, but I have something a bit more important for people to know here: Saving money. Every one has something to say on the subject: clip coupons, forgo the lattes, and cut back to eating out 1x a week. The media seems to recycle the same damn advice over and over and over.

At the dentist yesterday, I picked up a copy of Good Housekeeping, intrigued by a Dr. Oz article on the cover. After reading it, and thinking maybe I should buy a copy before it goes off the stand I noticed what looked like an interesting article on saving money, titled "How We Saved $10,000 in Just One Year." Money wins out over calorie counts every time! Wow. 10k! They must have been doing something really REALLY different! I was grinning ear to ear thinking I was going to learn something new. Oh boy! I was in for a treat!

Skimming it, I first saw the photo of this picture perfect American family, proud as punch of their achievement and holding items from their "saving sojourn." In the photo, the mother was holding in her lap, a half gallon carton of 360 milk from my favorite "fleecing your money via fear" supermarket who I fondly refer to as "Whole Paycheck." Insert *Facepalm* here.

I did skim the article, and to be fair to my first impression before I posted here, I reread it on line (

Honestly, I couldn't stomach most of it. The life this person lived, seemed to be one step below the partial sharing jetset folks. This magazine (Good Housekeeping) is supposed to appeal to the American women with a household to manage and run. Who exactly was this supposed to appeal to?

I sat there and wondered if the editors at Good Housekeeping are suffering from Romney-itis, and are incapable of relating to the majority of the country who earns far less than 500K a year. Reading on, she enlisted friends of hers that had already lost their jobs, had some money in the bank, but were cutting back to make their nest egg last as long as it had to. These folks were a diet buddy of sorts. And although they had some common sense ideas that people in the below that income bracket already do, it was almost sad.

Saving 10K is not as important to the wealthy of our country as it is to the folks who are trying to scrape by and are at their wits end. For these folks who are barely getting by, coupon clipping is not even coming close to making things easier. Instead the insults kept coming...the author panics in the article about having to "pay" for college, never even had a brain cell thought about having her kids get a job to help defer the cost.

The one common sense thing that the author did do was to keep track of what she was spending ala Weight Watchers. The "discretionary" daily spending amount was another facepalm moment. $90 a day? Seriously? But I do give her kudos for keeping track of what she spent in a semi-structured manner.

I am very saddened by this article and honestly, I am not going to buy April's edition of that magazine. In the next few postings I will be illustrating some of what I do to save money and also provide me with a better standard of living than what is currently sold to the American public's current philosophy of today.

As my posting history here is spotty, I am committing to having one new blog post here up each week. Intermingled with the "saving money" bit, will be odds and ends that come across my path and be of interest to folks who wander on by. I hope you will pick up some info and insight as I share what I have learned to make my life richer with you all.